Wednesday 20 June 2012

Things in June 2012

So things have happened, like a sporty performance with the KJEP group at this Endemi event

And playing with Fersteinn and Christoph Schiller,

And having a new piece premiered at an event in Nýlo, it was a 10 speaker/channel piece called Bobborobbowow and it all went well.

In the future there is mainly possibly a cucumber show at Glæsibær in Reykjavík on the 29th of june. More on that later.

Si senjor.

Wednesday 9 May 2012

Beint í augað

OK a lot has happened so thats in the past but there is a busy May ahead

12th of May
The exibition Beint í Augað (Directly into the eye) with Elín Anna Þórisdóttir

19th of May  
1. Brand new sculpture revealed in Höggmyndagarðurinn and new artwork in the Endemi art magazine
2. Hestbak performance at the opening night of Raflost festival (also part of
3. Arduino band performance at the same event

25th of May 
Performing with Benni Hemm Hemm at Reykjavík Music Mess

26th of May
Performance at Raflost final night

Friday 2 March 2012


TECTONICS FESTIVAL in Reykjavík 1-3 march 2012!
Hear tons of new music including my Eiðahólmi for 12 voices on the 3rd!

Massive festival!

see you there

Friday 20 January 2012

Myrkir Músíkdagar / Dark music days

Well, Myrkir Músíkdagar / Dark music days 2012 is coming up soon can hear a small electronic piece by me on the 26th at 22:00 and a tiny encore on the HarpVerk concert on the 27th at 24:00

Saturday 10 September 2011

Plenty of stuff happening

Well me and the gang from SLÁTUR just had an exhibition and performances at Gallery Suðsuðvestur in Keflavík, Iceland but that is over now.  Also recently me and the JEP group did a thing in Nýlistasafnið in Reykjavík which was short and fun.  Coming up are a couple of things, there is SLÁTURTÍРwhich is the annual SLÁTUR music festival which will be from the 28th of september untill the 3rd of october.  I will have two or three pieces performed/premiered there.  Should be fun.   Then there is the Nýhil poetry festival in Reykjavík 7-9th of october where I will do something.  Then on the 12-16th of october I will be performing with Guðmundur Steinn Gunnarsson's ensemble Fersteinn in a few places in the Netherlands.   There is more stuff happening after that but that is in the distant future.  More detailed news to come later.   Mjá.

Wednesday 6 July 2011

Book release on thursday the 7th of july 2011 at 20:00

Hey my little book (Music - Thought instigator - Volume 1) is getting published and it will happen at an event on thursday the 7th of july 2011 at Norræna húsið/Nordic house in Reykjavík at 20:00

It is published by Útúrdúr

Hope to see you there!

Um Music – Thought Instigator:

" Music - A Thought Instigator (eða Tónlist- Hugmyndahvati) er bók um tónlist. Þó er ekki um að ræða tónfræði eða tónlistarsögu eða slíkt heldur fyrst og fremst hugmyndir og hugsanahvata sem allir mega nota að vild. Hún fjallar því ekki um hvað tónlist er eða hefur verið heldur kemur með ýmsar tillögur að því hvernig einhver tónlist getur mögulega orðið. Á hverri síðu er alfarið ný hugmynd kynnt til leiks og nokkrir frum möguleikar hennar skoðaðir. Þetta eru hugmyndir sem víkka skilning okkar á ýmsum hlutum í sambandi við tímaskynjun, framsetningu og kynningu tónlistar, sjónhverfingaraðferðir, gagnvirkni áheyrenda við tónsköpun og ýmsar hugmyndir sem hafa hingað til ekki verið áberandi í tónlist. Hún opnar því fyrir vítt samhengi tónlistar og setur jafnvel hugtakið tónlist í víðara samhengi. Við lestur bókarinnar uppgvötum við hvað hugmyndir okkar og skilgreiningar á tónlist eru þröngar og takmarkaðar og að hingað til hefur hugmynd okkar um tónlist rúmast í litlum, þröngum, loftlausum kassa. Bókin er því eins konar leiðarvísir að nýjum leiðum, eða alla vega nýjum upphafspunktum og viðmiðum. Bókin gagnast bæði þeim sem vilja fara alfarið nýjar leiðir og þeim sem eru forvitnir um að teygja út þann ramma sem fyrir er. Bókin byggist aðallega upp af skýru myndmáli og skýringartextum. Myndmálið er beinskeitt og grípandi og hverri síðu er ætlað að segja sem mest í sem fæstum orðum og myndum" - Guðmundur Steinn Gunnarsson

Monday 28 March 2011

Installation at SEQUENCES: real-time art festival in Reykjavík 2011

Okei, you can see my installation at the SEQUENCES (festival of real-time art in Reykjavík 2011) in Gallerí Dvergur on Grundarstígur 21, 101 Reykjavík.

Opening times:
6th of April - 20:00-22:00
7th of April - 21:00-22:00
9th of April - 20:00-22:00

Do come

Friday 11 February 2011

Deathskull Deathsquadron premiere on the 12th of February 2011

OK, my piece Deathskull Deathsquadron (my first and probably last one using a pornographic score) will be performed by Duo Harpverk on the 12th of February in Amsterdam, NL.  The concert is part of Icelandic Music Days.  Then it will be performed a couple more times here and there - more info can be found here: Duo Harpverk

I hope you will be there cos I won't be.

Tuesday 18 January 2011

Skemmtilegt lag on Dark music days

A brand spanking new piece of mine will be performed at the DARK MUSIC DAYS FESTIVAL OF CONTEMPORARY MUSIC in Reykjavik, Iceland January 27 - 30, 2011.  

This piece will be called "Skemmtilegt lag"and will be performed on the "Faces" - Violin and Piano - Una Sveinbjarnardóttir and Tinna Þorsteinsdóttir concert on Saturday, January 29th, 2011 at 12:00 in the Hafnarborg Cultural Centre.

Tuesday 21 December 2010

Found objects and Deathskull deathsquadron

Well its christmas again which means it is time to start writing for the annual SLÁTUR new year concert which will take place somewhere in early January 2011.  This year we are apparently writing for found objects.  

It is also time to start writing my piece "Deathskull deathsquadron" for Duo Harpverk which will perform it on the 12th of February at the Icelandic Music Days 2011 in Amsterdam (NL). 

Wednesday 15 December 2010

Tinna tekur SLÁTUR (fyrir jólin)- Píanótónleikar

Ok, on the 18th of December 2010 a tiny tiny "piece" of mine can be heard in the Nordic house in Reykjavík.  This promises to be a fun concert filled to the brim with variety and all performed by pianist extraordinaire Tinna Þorsteinsdóttir.  All compositions by members of SLÁTUR.

Merry christmas!

Saturday 9 October 2010

The Little Performance festival (Litla gjörningahátíðin) 15th of oktober 2010

I will be doing a thing called "Bíltúr Jeppi" with Áki Ásgeirsson and Halldór Úlfarsson at "The Little Performance festival" (Litla gjörningahátíðin) in a space called Hlaðan in Vogar on the 15th of oktober 2010. A jeep is a jeep is a jeep.

Friday 8 October 2010

T-1/Ömurð and the SLÁTUR Dance competition

Tonight is the annual "KEPPNIN UM KEPPINN" of the SLÁTUR collective. This year the competition is all about creating a dance song and a dance to go with it. There will be the premiere of my HELDANS.Tonight at 21:00 in Borgarleikhúsið in Reykjavík. 

My collaboration "T-1" with artist Halldór Úlfarsson can be seen and heard at the MANSEDANSE 2010 electronic culture festival in Tampere in Finland 4.-10. oktober 2010.

A variation on the same piece (now called "Ömurð") but excluding Halldór Úlfarsson can be heard from the 15. oktober - 14. november in some strange online & on-site sound streaming thing called SoundGate in Aalborg, Denmark.

Thats it.

Wednesday 15 September 2010

Sláturtíð 29.09-03.10 2010

I will have two pieces on the SLÁTURTÍÐ festival that takes place on the 29.09-03.10 2010 in Reykjavík.  This is the annual festival of composer collective SLÁTUR.
My pieces will be "Snjóholt" for the Fengjastrútur ensemble and  "T1" on an experimental instrument by Halldór Úlfarsson and performed by Skmendanikka.  

Thursday 2 September 2010


Just working on my thesis at the moment... Thats it...

Wednesday 26 May 2010

Loret ipsum 30th of May 2010

The last piece I do within a school (for now anyway) can be seen and heard in Sölvhóll at 15:00 and it won´t take long.  Would be nice to have some hot chocolate afterwards...
 Dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo conse­ quat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cu­ pidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Wednesday 5 May 2010

Piece at 15:15 on the 9th of May, 2010

So, on sunday the 9th I have a piece for clarinettist Ingólfur Vilhjálmsson on the 15:15 concert series in the Nordic House in Reykjavík.  It´s a new piece for bass-clarinett called Dubhghall 2.  Loud and uneventful. Indeed.

Ingólfur´s website:
(He looks like a good boy, but he is a bad boy)

SPOR festival on the 8th of May, 2010

Hey on saturday the 8th of May, Czech fantasist Monika Frycova and I will be showing our piece at the SPOR festival in Denmark.  Performed by us and the ensemble SCENATET.  What´s going on here?

Details can be found right here:

Sunday 14 March 2010

Back from the USA

The SLÁTUR adventure to Princeton and NY is over.  It was all good and I would like to thank Charity, Davíð and Lexie, "Good bye blue monday" and the wonderful people at the Flux Factory who helped make this trip so nice and memorable.
Hope to visit again soon!

Monday 8 March 2010

USA - Princeton and NY

Well, the SLÁTUR boys and I are off to the USA to do a show in Princeton university on the 9th of march, then a show in "Good bye blue monday" (NY) on the 10th, and then last but not least a performance somewhere in Queens on the 11th.  There will be sights, sounds and a bunch of new pieces.  Hope to see you!

Wednesday 24 February 2010

New kind of score on the 26th of February

You can see my new score and hear it performed at the monthly DÚNDUR  experimental concert series of composers collective SLÁTUR .  The event starts at 20:00 (free of course) and can be found in the basement of cafe kultura on Hverfisgata in Reykjavík.
I am trying the idea of downgrade; taking some things I usually use computers to do and doing them in the physical world.  Well something will happen anyway.

Saturday 30 January 2010

Ormsstaðir in Denmark on the 3rd of February

My piece Ormsstaðir will be played at the Februar Dage - en ny musik festival i Aalborg, 3-6 Februar which is a festival arranged by Ny Musik Frederikshavn.  The piece now has a video.  It will be shown and heard on the 3rd of February.  Yep.

Wednesday 6 January 2010

New piece in concert on the 9th of January

A brand new piece called "Kindur" will be performed on the 9th of January 2010 in Reykjavík.
There will be many new instruments and I think will be an interesting event!
Nýárstónleikar S.L.Á.T.U.R. verða haldnir í Listasafni Reykjavíkur, Hafnarhúsinu, laugardagskvöldið 9. janúar 2010 klukkan 20:00. Hljómsveitin Skmendanikka frumflytur ný íslensk tónverk fyrir ný íslensk hljóðfæri. Aðgangseyrir er 1000 krónur.

Wednesday 30 December 2009

The thing in Berlin

Yes the thing in Berlin turned out to be a performance of my piece Hvítasuð at a wonderful space called RÊVE GÉNÉRAL.  Thanks to Markus, Alex and all who were there for making such a great night!

Monday 21 December 2009

Something in Berlin?

On the 28th of December I (amongst others) will be doing something in some gallery in Berlin.  Hmm could be interesting.  More details soon.

Saturday 19 December 2009

SPOR festival 2010

Project proposal accepted at SPOR festival in Denmark 6th-9th of May 2010. Should be fun!
Read all about it here:

Friday 18 December 2009

thingNY performance 19.December 2009

The thingNY ensemble in New York is performing my piece STEINI (5 second piece for solo recorder) at their SPAM concert. Read all about it here